兵庫県 たつの市 龍野御坊 圓光寺
龍野御坊 圓光寺
圓光寺 掲示伝道[Words on Buddhism]

圓光寺 掲示伝道

The lotus 蓮華
 教行信証 証の巻より
From the Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra--"on a high plateau, on the dry ground, no lotus grows. It is only in the muddy water that it blooms." In like manner, ordinary beings are living mostly in the mud of evil passions. But owing to the instruction and guidance of the bodhisattva, they are able to bloom out as the flowers of the Supreme Enlightenment.
From Kyogyoshinsho The True Realization


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〒679-4177 兵庫県たつの市龍野町下川原101 TEL 0791-63-0485

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