兵庫県 たつの市 龍野御坊 圓光寺
龍野御坊 圓光寺
圓光寺 掲示伝道[Words on Buddhism]

圓光寺 掲示伝道

Well-water is the same temperature all year round. But to the human hand, well-water feels extremely cold in the summer and comfortably warm in the winter. This is due to how humans feel the water temperature in different times of the year. In the same way, humans react to their daily lives. There are those who, although actually fortunate in every way, do not appreciate their good fortune. And there are those who, although economically poor, feel gratitude in their daily lives. One should not become numb to one's situation in life .


トップライン掲示伝道[Words on Buddhism]ライン由来ライン圓光寺と石山合戦ライン圓光寺と宮本武蔵ライン圓光寺所在地ラインお問い合わせ
〒679-4177 兵庫県たつの市龍野町下川原101 TEL 0791-63-0485

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