兵庫県 たつの市 龍野御坊 圓光寺
龍野御坊 圓光寺
圓光寺 掲示伝道[Words on Buddhism]

圓光寺 掲示伝道

How to live in this impure world 不退の位
To die and be reborn in the Pure Land may be satisfactory. But as written in the scriptures, we may be able in this life to attain the indomitable degree of belief (niyata-rasi) by listening to the Dharma. Shakyamuni Buddha and Saint Shinran both preached the Dharma to teach us how to live a full, satisfying life in this world. This Dharma is our ticket to the Pure Land and lessens our suffering in this impure world.


トップライン掲示伝道[Words on Buddhism]ライン由来ライン圓光寺と石山合戦ライン圓光寺と宮本武蔵ライン圓光寺所在地ラインお問い合わせ
〒679-4177 兵庫県たつの市龍野町下川原101 TEL 0791-63-0485

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