兵庫県 たつの市 龍野御坊 圓光寺
龍野御坊 圓光寺
圓光寺 掲示伝道[Words on Buddhism]

圓光寺 掲示伝道

Unenlightened person: (bonbu) 凡夫
We are "bonbu." There are two meanings to this word. One, an ordinary person. Two, seen through Amida Buddha's Light of Wisdom, "bonbu" means one unenlightened by the truth and controlled by worldly desires.  We are this latter meaning of the word and I who write these "Words of Buddhism" am also a "bonbu."  But I believe that we ordinary unlightened beings can be saved by the Amida Buddha's Light of Wisdom.


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〒679-4177 兵庫県たつの市龍野町下川原101 TEL 0791-63-0485

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